Tuesday, October 18, 2011


There are so many things to say about my trip to Iowa, but one word that sums it all up is blessing. For those of you who don't know, I'm juggling 3 jobs. I work at Downeast Basics, Kiwi Loco, and do my photography; and to say that my stress levels have been high would be an understatement. I needed to go and take a break from all of that and be able to have time for me. I can't tell you how good it was to come off that airplane in Des Moines and walk down the stairs only to see my nieces racing up the stairs, screaming my name, and nearly knocking me over to give me a hug. That night Troy had to work, so just Carrie and the kids picked me up. We went to the mall and got a bite to eat and let me tell you, that mall is HUGE! That was the only time we went there, but it was huge! That night I got to be a part of their family scripture study, prayer, and sing to one of the girls. Sunday was general conference and I woke up to Carrie making a wonderful breakfast! Sis. Dalton's talk was one of my favorites. How do you teach and raise your daughter? Love her mother. I'm grateful for my dad's example in this and I know that Katelyn and Kylie have an amazing dad raising them as well. At the end of the morning session, everyone was asleep but me and Kylie so we walked to the little ponds at their apartment complex and she caught some frogs, yep, she not we. I just take the pictures! :)

Once everyone woke up, we went to the mall to feed the ducks and fish at the pond there!

Don't worry about it, Mason just wanted to take a swim with the fishies :)

Gotta scratch!

Mason HATES being in the stroller, he'd much rather push it!

That night I introduced Carrie to Pinterest and let's just say we found her new obsession.
Carrie and I made multiple trips to my new favorite store- Hobby Lobby. It's this awesome craft store that led us to feeling pretty crafty. On Pinterest we found a Halloween wreath we wanted to make, so we set out to make 2, one for her and one for me. It took a few late nights to finish but here's the outcome to part of my week 3 challenge outcome!

Pretty cute huh?!
We also made another trip later in the week to Hobby Lobby to make some cute Halloween frames! Also from Pinterest...

And one last Week 3 challenge outcome- I don't know what to call this other than Reese's Heaven

The middle layer- Peanut Butter cheesecake

While I was out there we did so many fun things. I got to go to a pumpkin patch and apple orchard with them. And let me tell you Carrie and I sure can keep up with these kids! :)

Kylie took this one- She's going to be just like her aunt :)

Kylie- yup I know they're the cutest little girls ever


Being a teacher

What large pumpkins I have! Hahaha

The BEST part of the pumpkin patch- Wiggle cars! Someday mine and Carrie's wiggle car plans will come to be!

Funniest moment ever. Only Carrie will get it though!
I also got to see what Katelyn and Kylie do every week! Swimming, preschool, and gymnastics being just a few!

Mason "patiently" waits for them to be done
Last but certainly not least, Carrie took me to Nauvoo the last day I was there; Troy was sweet enough to stay home with the kids. It's 3.5 hours from where they live and it's beautiful. I was so grateful to be able to go there with my sister. In all honestly, I felt emotional at a lot of it. At the graves of  Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum, I sat in awe of everything that was done for this gospel and for me. I'm so grateful for this gospel and the sacrifices the saints made to be a part of it. 
We also drove to Carthage Jail. There is truly a different spirit there.
I love what Joseph and Emma say about each other

Joseph and Emma's home

Where the Saints crossed the Mississippi River

The view from the Trail of Hope

Add caption

The original door in Carthage

The drive home seemed to take FOREVER, but I'm so glad that Carrie and I go to go. I learned a lot about my sister in law and a lot about myself through her example. I stand in awe of her strength and love. Her patience and happiness. I look up to her. Thank you Carrie for taking the time to listen to me and supporting my dreams and goals. Thanks to both Troy and Carrie for letting me stay for a week so I could learn about myself and enjoy time with them. Just a few more pictures from the trip

Before preschool :)

This is what 95 percent of this trip was like- so tired from staying up the night before!

Winner, winner chicken dinner, fist pump- YES!

Feeling crafty :)

Shiver me timbers

She's one of my best friends
I'm terrible at saying goodbye. I'm a baby, always have been, always will be, and saying goodbye to Carrie is always hard for me. But I'm so grateful to have been able to go to Iowa and spend the time I did with my family. We pulled way too many late nights, ate way too many sour patch watermelons, and watched way too many movies, but I wouldn't trade any of those memories for anything. Thank you again Troy and Carrie. I love you! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awe Michelle! I am crying right now, like tears are streaming down my face! Love you! Thanks again for coming!
