Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Make believe

This past weekend I spent time at home playing make believe.
Make believe that life isn't scary
Make believe that I'm courageous
Make believe that I'm not worried about where life is going
Make believe that I was a little girl again- not a care in the world and not a worry in my heart

Being with my nieces and nephews makes me want to be little again.




Me and Tyson

Isn't little Mason adorable?!

Life was much more simple then. There aren't too many big worries other than trying to get away with not eating those green vegetables on your plate and still being able to get a treat.
When big decisions come up, mom and dad either greatly help or make the decision for you.
When you get hurt, band-aids, a treat, and mom's kiss makes everything better.
Being scared is usually due to monsters under the bed or in the closet.

But then this magical thing happens called growing up. 
We all go through it.
And I think I have recently hit a wall of being scared.
My worries have increased from veggies to bigger things.
The decisions I'm making now are mine, and they can't be made for me by anyone else.
Band-aids don't fix everything now.
And being scared becomes part of looking to the future and not being exactly sure what you're doing.

Make believe is a wonderful thing
It gives everyone a chance to dream
To consider things that may seem impossible
To love with your whole heart 
To dream of doing the unthinkable
To become more than you believe you can
To find the ultimate happiness

Choose today to believe in dreams
Consider and try the impossible
Love with your whole heart
Do the unthinkable
Become who you are meant to be
Be happy

You're never too old to believe in make believe

Much love-


If you are anything like me, which for most people may be highly unlikely because I know I'm a little on the weird side, then life sometimes seems a little bitter, possibly a little cloudy, and sometimes down right ugly. 
This past weekend was grey, cloudy, and rainy, and that basically sums up what last week was like for me.
It was tough.
And I wasn't so tough.
But lo and behold, Friday came around; all those projects, tests, and little things didn't matter anymore, because I had myself a date as soon as class was out. My date was very much a gentleman and he's fantastic. His name is Logan.
Meet Logan
 We did some different things that made me laugh and we had a good time, but I'm so grateful to have had such a good thing to look forward to during that week and then to have it be a release from everything that happened during the week. So thanks Mr. Logan!

Then Saturday rolled around.
My roommate Whitney also known as sunshine came out from Kansas with her fiance Sawyer, FHE brother from last semester, to be married. And I was the photographer.
Why you ask?
It was rainy and terrible weather all day.
I got to the Rexburg temple at 11:15 and walked around getting into the photography mode. It rained all the while. Their wedding was at 12, and it hadn't stopped raining. But as they walked out those doors, the rain stopped and it didn't start again until I got back into my car after taking their pictures. I was truly blessed.

With their wedding, it was so great to see them both again. I love being with them; they are so good for each other and I'm so happy for them. They will have a great marriage together! I'm so glad Sawyer was so persistent with my Sunshine.
Speaking of my Sunshine, my other Sunshine Kaycee came up to visit and be here for the wedding too.
Moonshine, Princess & Sunshine
Kaycee and Whitney both used to be sunshines, but Whitney has officially become Princess. That's one of those things that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's just a roommate/friend thing I guess.
Back to Kaycee, she stayed with me and she dealt with my stressed out, crazy eyes, and out of control state very well. We laughed and talked boys and life. We had ourselves a Pinterest night on Saturday and we made some pizza pockets and raspberry lemonade smoothies. Yummy :) and Sunday morning we mad cinnamon roll pancakes. Thank you Pinterest

Alright, now to actually get to the point of this blog, thanks for hanging in there with me; There is beauty in everything. Today's devotional was a good reminder for me.
There is beauty all around us and sometimes we get so caught up and overwhelmed with all the ugly and bitterness in life that we don't enjoy the little things that are so beautiful. 
I was there last week-
I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and definitely emotional.
But I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who seem to know the right thing to say and do to help me see the beauty in life.
I'm glad that it seemed to pour on me all week, because I was able to see how happy people make me and to realize the effect they have on me. I'm grateful to be able to have seen the beauty in those little moments I got to spend with them. 
Sometimes it has to rain a little (or a lot) to get us to realize how lucky and blessed we are in this beautiful life.
I'm grateful for the rain.
I'm grateful for the sunshine.
 And I know that both are beautiful.
I hope that you can find the beauty in the 5 points that Br. Linford shared today-
1. Look for beauty in the world around us
2. Find beauty in those who you encounter in your life
3. See the beauty of learning
4. Reflect on the beauty of the atonement
5. Recognize the beauty that is you
Be beautiful in every way
Much love-

Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's be adventurous

Life is crazy.
Life is fun.
Life is wonderful.
Life is fantastic.
Life is bombastically amazing.

A year ago at this time I was graduating from the one and only Shelley High School. As I have watched the seniors this year posting on the wonderful world of Facebook, I have thought about where I was at that time in my life. 

I walked across that stage and I thought I knew exactly where my life was going; I was definitely mistaken.
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are"
Some days life feels scary and chaotic. But I know that my life is in hands that are greater than my own.
I'm so grateful that everything has happened the way it has in my life. 
There have been many trials, but many more blessings and good times. Trials have a way of making us into something more than who we were before.

This second semester at school has been full of adventures and it has been an adventure in and of itself. My schedule is a lot more hectic than last, my homework load is a lot bigger and it has been so much harder to focus this time around. The sun is always shining and my roommates are beyond fantastic and I always want to make memories with them. 
 And there are so many adventures to be had

Here's a few that I've had so far...

 We go on roommate dates :)
We draw names for our dates and enjoy our date for the evening
My date Hannah

Oberholzer (Rachel) and Kelli

Stesha and Brown Rachel

My foot obsession

 We went to Olive Garden for dinner before the movie and surprised our friend Logan. Crazy part about that, Logan was actually our waiter for the night!

 We have pranks back and forth with our FHE boys
 Logan went to the hospital for kidney stones. That was definitely an adventure

 We always make an adventure of FHE. I'm not sure if we will ever have an FHE where we don't end up messy!
My room roommate Oberholzer

Would you look at that?! We're the best of friends :)

FHE sisters

FHE boys

 Roommate run and yes we are matching

How we feel about running

Foot obsession

Kelli's birthday

Pit stop in Rigby on our way home :)


Temple Tuesday
At the beginning of the semester I made a goal to go to the temple every Tuesday.
So far I have done just that.
Every time I have been to the temple I have received answers to all of my questions. I have found peace in the utter chaos that surrounds me.
"All great changes are preceded by chaos"

Where I was a year ago has led me to where I am now. I am not the same girl who graduated from Shelley High- I have grown and changed in ways that I never knew I would. 
I have become a much better person and I'm excited to see where these adventures take me.
My new motto: Oh darling, let's be adventurers :)

Go have yourself an adventure!

Much love-

Thursday, May 17, 2012

3 letter word

26 letters in the alphabet and it only takes 3 (technically 2) to put a smile on my face and love in my heart. 
My mom is wonderful. She's a rock for me in my life. As I have struggled through many times in my life, she's always been there to pick me up, dust me off, and set me right on my feet again.
The past two Sunday's I have been home for Stake Conference and Mother's Day. I have had some of the best talks with her. She always knows what to say and when to listen to all of my crazy stories and ideas. 
She loves me despite all my stupid moments, which are a lot more often than I like to admit. 
I'm so grateful for my mom and the things she does to watch out for me. She has really known the right things to say in the past couple weeks to help me understand that I'm doing the right things in my life at this time.We like to walk together up our road and have talks.

Momma Lu, I just want you to know that I love all of our little jokes and good laughs.
Thanks for loving and caring for me
Happy Mothers Day a few days late :)

Much love-