Friday, November 30, 2012

Hospitals, Kidney Stones, Chocolate Shoes, and {the Perfect Proposal}

Logan and I are getting married. It's official :)
There are quite a few people who have wanted to hear the proposal story and I don't blame you, he is in a hospital gown in the picture!

I need to start this story a few months ago. On May 2 this year, Logan went to the hospital for kidney stones. I received a text from his mom explaining what was going on. I was in the middle of my classes and I couldn't skip, but I knew exactly where I wanted to be. I wanted to be there with him. As soon as class was out I was there. The next day I only had one class; I took advantage of that and spent most of the day in the hospital with him. We talked and laughed, he slept and I studied. I called my sister-in-law during the day to tell her all about Mr. Logan. While we were talking she told me I sounded different. She told me how she felt there was something different about Logan and I agreed. As I walked back into the room, he asked me why I wasn't wearing my chocolate shoes (He's funny on medication). He had been dreaming about me and chocolate shoes.
Later that night, my roommates came and brought me food, phone charger, and a blanket. I was determined to stay the night with him on that little fold out chair, despite the fact that hospitals usually give me anxiety and I don't like being there. I walked out with my roommates to their car and told them what was in my heart- I was in love with this boy. I knew it, and I knew I could easily spend the rest of my life with someone like Logan. I didn't share those thoughts and ideas with Logan for a long time, but since then I have. I also explained to him that it was there at Madison Memorial Hospital in room 2005 that I knew I could marry him.
May 2012
November 29, 2012, Logan proposed to me in room 2005.
Around 4:45 I got a phone call from his mom; she explained to me that Logan was in the ER because of kidney stones and it was really bad. She asked me if I wasn't working it I could come up there because he would really appreciate it if I was there. As soon as I set the phone down I was flying around my house getting things pulled together to stay the night in the hospital. I had my charger, clothes, toothbrush, blanket, everything! Tami called again and asked if I had left, I was just about to leave I told her, but I needed to call my mom to tell her where I was going.
I am an emotional person and I was bawling when I caller her. She told me to calm down, everything would be OK.
I hopped in my car and zipped towards Rexburg.
When I was almost there, my mom calls and asks if I was OK and where I was. I told her I was close to Rexburg. I assured her I would let her know what was wrong when I got there.
Knowing Logan was in pain was awful for me. I didn't want him to be in pain, so when I walked into the hospital I know that the front desk could tell I was worried. I asked what room number Logan was in, they told me they would have to call up to his room to make sure he was taking visitors. I really start freaking out in my mind thinking that he is in so much pain he isn't taking visitors. They told me he was in room 5 on the second floor.
The elevator door opens, I push the second floor button and I seriously waited FOREVER for the stupid doors to close. The nurse said to take a left and another left and the room would be right there. As I approached it I realized this was the same room from his previous visit. I thought it was kind of cool because it has an awesome view of the city, but honestly that was all that I thought. I knocked quietly in case Logan was sleeping, I come in hearing his mom's voice stressed explaining the situation to someone else. This adds more stress to me, thinking how much pain he is in. His sister is in the chair with her new camera playing around with it.
I walk to his bed and took his hand; he was under the covers in a hospital gown. He asked me how I was feeling. I told him probably better than you and that I was sorry he wasn't feeling good and leaned down to give him a kiss. He told me his feet were cold (this isn't unusual) and asked me to grab his slippers out of the box.
As I opened the lid to box I see the ring and chocolate covered shoes.

I shut the lid quickly and looked over at Logan. He was getting out of the bed and walking towards me. Logan reached into the box and grabbed the ring box. He took my left hand and started telling me how he wanted to spend forever with me. He knelt down and continued to tell me how he loved me. Before he even asked me, I leaned down to kiss him. Then the question came, "Will you marry me?"
 We hugged and celebrated and ate some cute little chocolate shoes. And yes, I was completely shocked
 Logan's dad, sister, sister's boyfriend, nieces, and my mom were all in the bathroom and were there to watch us get engaged. The hospital staff was so kind and wonderful and yes, they were all in on it. Logan had this set up with the hospital administrator and now we will be in the newsletter for the hospital! And Logan is the sweetest. He wanted to propose where I had fallen in love with him. It was perfect and more than I could ever ask for. He is more than I could ever ask for. Logan has been such a big blessing in my life. He is my everything. I'm so excited to star this new adventure with my adventure buddy, best friend, and FIANCE! I just like the way that sounds :)
To share some of the plans-
We will be married February 23, 2013.
We will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Idaho Falls Temple.
And I will become Mrs. Peterson :)
November 2012
This is the beginning of my new adventure

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gratitude Greatness Finale

Day 27- I'm grateful for memories. There are many moments that I hold close to me and I like to think about them often. Tonight I was able to reflect and thing on how my relationship with Logan came to be and how it all is just right. It was meant to be. Yes, cliche I know.
Day 28- I'm grateful for the Forgotten Carols. I love this show. It puts me in the Christmas mood and I get so excited after it. This year there were many messages that I felt personally touched me. If you ever get the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it. I know that the true meaning of Christmas isn't the presents and gifts; it is about the Savior. I am grateful for the blessing the Savior is in my life. He truly is the greatest gift.
Day 29- I'm grateful for today. It is a day I will never forget. A new adventure was started in my life tonight. And I'm so excited to share all about it (post coming soon)
Day 30 (it's past 12, so I can say the 30th)- I'm grateful for Logan. Logan is absolutely 100% the best thing that has happened to me. He has taught me patience (I'm still working on that one). And I know that I have never been so happy, he has made my life feel complete. He is wonderful, spectacular, and incredible! I'm so excited to start this new adventure with him.  Logan does more for me than I could ever ask for.

I hope all of your Novembers were full of grateful moments! Welcome to the Christmas season :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gratitude Greatness 3

Day 19- I'm grateful for Kim Martin. This wonderful lady was my Young Women's leader all six years. She moved up as I moved up. It was crazy how it all happened and then she was released a month before I graduated high school. Kim has been an inspiration, example, and friend to me. I've been blessed to have a close relationship with her whole family. She is always so supportive of me and wants the very best for me.
Day 20- I'm grateful for jumper cables and my Dad. This was Logan's last day in Idaho before he left for California with his family for Thanksgiving. His car was dead in the morning before he left for work and after work. Because of jumper cables, I got to see my Mr. Logan and spend some much needed time with him talking and laughing before he left. While he was at my house, he and my dad went out to check his car. My dad took a look and knew that Logan needed a new battery. I'm grateful for a dad who has learned so much about mechanics and cars that he just knows! I feel like part of my photography teaching myself stuff comes from him. He is one smart man!
Day 21- I'm grateful for confidence, trust, and patience. I have been blessed with photography clients who have taken chances with me and helped me to grow as a person and photographer. I'm grateful to have the personality I do that helps connect with my clients to give them confidence. This also refers to my friend Janie Huntsman. I was able to take some seriously gorgeous bridals for her and her soon to be husband. 
Day 22- I'm grateful for Thanksgiving. It is a day to eat too much, sleep a little, play games, and be with loved ones. It was a good day with the fam! PS. My dad is pro at frying turkeys.
Day 23- I'm grateful for happy customers! Black Friday is a smidge on the crazy side, but it's sure fun. I was one of the cashiers for American Eagle that day. It was always nice to be asked how my day was going or when a customer came up with a smile on their face. You never really know what your smile does to those you share it with- SMILE, SMILE, SMILE! :)
Day 24- I'm grateful for friends from all over. I have made so many friends in the past year at college. My friend Brittany and her fiance came to Rexburg for me to take their engagements {which turned out awesome!}. She was in my ward both semesters. I didn't really get to know her until the second semester. She is crazy, wonderful. Her and I are both on the Winter/Spring track, so she has been home in Alabama. It was awesome to see her and see her so happy! I love love :) I'm really excited to see a lot more of my friends that are back home right now for this off-track.
Day 25- I'm grateful for phones. I'm absolutely 100% terrible at responding to text messages and things like that, but it was greatly appreciated to be able to talk to Logan while he was in California. It also helps everyone in my fam keep in touch throughout the day and week. 
Day 26- I'm grateful for the little things that Logan thinks of doing for me because of how well he knows me. He honestly knows me better than anyone else. If I tell him a story about something that happened, he will say let me guess, this is what you said. And it's usually a pretty close word for word answer. Logan knows the things I need, want, and like without me ever mentioning a single thing. I'm grateful to have someone so observant and loving :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gratitude Greatness Round 2

Day 5- I'm grateful for photography. I LOVE photography. In the past few weeks I have learned so much by being out taking pictures and sitting here at my computer until my back aches editing. I have worked hard to get to where I am. I have gone to one workshop and I have a couple more I'm looking into for 2013, but other than that I have learned through playing around with different things. It's been one awesome journey to see what I am capable of.
Day 6- I'm still grateful to be an American. No matter what just happened, I would rather live here than another country. I have faith in a Heavenly Father who has a plan much greater than ours for what we need. I'm grateful to be an American and grateful to know I put my faith in someone greater than the president.
Day 7- I'm grateful for my bed. It's so nice to crawl into it after working a floorset shift and snuggle up and fall asleep. My family always laughs at my bed because it definitely is shaped to fit my body. You can tell where I sleep on the mattress, but hey I sleep soundly :)
Day 8- I'm grateful for people who wait up for me to get off work at 2:30 in the morning to chat with me (cough, cough Logan).
Day 9- I'm grateful to have managers that like me and trust me to help with floorset and to take extra shifts. We stayed until 3:30 am this night, but it was fun.
Day 10- I'm grateful for grocery shopping and "those" days where everything looks good. Grocery shopping with Logan was so fun. We bough the essentials and then everything else that looked good: ice cream, FuFu Berry Jones Soda, Tillamook cheese, and lots of other goodies.
Day 11- I'm grateful for church. I love Sundays; it's always fun to go watch your nieces in the primary program. And it's even better when Logan comes too :)
Day 12- I'm grateful for days off. I can get a lot of Christmas shopping and picture stuff done with the extra time. 
Day 13- I'm grateful for Traci Huntsman with Traci Huntsman Design. I get to work with her for designs for my new photography logo and such for the new year. PS, I'm going to have some awesome changes to my photography stuff. I'm really pumped about it!
Day 14- I'm grateful for BYU-I. I had to go up there today and talk to a counselor about some different degree questions. It was a good chat. I'm really grateful for the education I have received there.
Day 15- I'm grateful for Carrie (sister-in-law). It's been nice, real nice, for her to be living in Shelley. I stop there frequently to talk to her; we like being crafty and wifey together.
Day 16- I'm grateful for Kenon Fenton and temple marriage. Kenon Fenton was my FHE brother my first semester and one of Logan's roommates (prior to us meeting). He set me up with Logan :) he got married today in the Rexburg temple. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that we can be sealed for ETERNITY.
Day 17- I'm grateful for little text messages. I'm one of those people who you can make my day just by sending me a little text saying "Hey, hope you have a great day." And it never hurts when they are from Mr. Logan :)
Day 18- I'm grateful for quirks. Oh the many quirks I have seem to keep my mom and I laughing for hours.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gratitude greatness

It's November 4. Where did 2012 go? You may know what happened to it, but I don't. I'm excited to be entering the holiday season for many reasons here are a few
1. I work retail (American Eagle, yes I love clothes) and it's way fun to work with customers at this time of the year.
2. Family time! It's a time when everyone comes home; we play games, talk, laugh, eat, and have lots of fun together.
3. MISTLETOE ;) just kidding, well kind of. Baby it's cold outside! Time to sit close by the fire sipping hot chocolate and watching movies.
4. Time to remember what we have and things we're grateful for- I'll come back to this one.
5. Christmas music. I love it. And I cannot lie to you- I'm a terrible liar anyways- I have already listened to some Christmas music. It's happy stuff!!
6. To celebrate the birth and life of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. I believe in Him. I believe in the CHRISTmas season and spirit!

Back to number four. A lot of times in November people will write down or say a thing they are grateful for every day (I wish I did this every day of the year- New Years Resolution??!). I have been writing them down, but now I'm going to write them all here for this week. Next week I will cover this upcoming weeks grateful moments

Day 1- I'm grateful for my mom and the silly things she does for me. Mr. Logan was working at Olive Garden and I really wanted to see him and have him be our server. My mom took me to dinner and we requested him. She laughed as I would get this silly, giggly, goofy, in love look on my face every single time he would walk up our table. She's such a good mom! I love her and the way she supports me in everything and she just listens to my craziness.
Day 2- I'm grateful for the examples my brothers have set for me in pursuing and doing things they enjoy and are passionate about. I found out Cody got into the PA school in Philadelphia today. He will leave next year around August. When I found this out, I was overcome with awe at all of my siblings. They have all gone into different fields that are taking them to where they want to be. It's such a good example for me at this time in my life when I can choose a lot of different fields; they have inspired me to follow my dreams and be passionate about what I do.
Day 3- I'm grateful for friends and the way they can help you become a better person. One of my friends is getting married in 27 days!! We had a girls night with the 4 of us that grew up together. It was fun to get together, catch up, and for me, I saw all the ways I have grown and become because of them.
Day 4- I'm grateful for testimony. I love the spirit that comes from others bearing their testimonies. I'm also grateful for my testimony. It has kept me going and pushing me through struggles and hard times. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. This gospel brings true happiness. I'm grateful for it. It gives me peace in unsettling times and hope in times of trial. 

I'm looking forward to more grateful moments and finding new ways to express and see things to be grateful for. 

Be grateful

Logan Day 4- Today I'm grateful for your teasing. I love knowing that no matter how stupid something is that I do, you'll tease me and just laugh. You don't make me feel dumb or like less of a person. It lets me know that you love me always.