Sunday, December 30, 2012

Proposal Video

I know a lot of you have read my proposal story, but Logan's talented sister Emily has recently gotten into videography. This is her first recording, put together, video. She's got some serious talent and I'm excited to tag team with her in the upcoming year with photography.  Here's a link to the video. It is 15 minutes long. But it's definitely worth it :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

And the countdown begins

Less than 2 months until I get to marry my best friend.
I know my brother Jared is probably rolling his eyes and making a gagging face at this, but I'll continue anyways.
 Don't worry, none of the pictures posted here or on Facebook are for the announcement; I couldn't ruin the surprise for those ones!
It was fun to take pictures with Logan. He knows me too well. I really wasn't planning on taking a ton, but we did and then some. I apologized to him for that, but he simply told me he knew we would because of the photographer in me.
Thanks Emily (Logan's little sister) for taking them for us!

Right before we took this one (above) he looked at me and said, "We are taking engagements pictures!" And I told him, "This must mean we are getting married."
I'm so excited to marry this boy. He has stolen my heart entirely. 
One quick little story-
April 25, 2012- I took Logan out on a date and when we were in the car, he said something I usually say. I called him out on stealing my saying and he called me out on stealing his yellow light driving game. But he then said, "Maybe you will steal more than that one day." (I wrote that one down so I wouldn't ever forget it)
Yes Logan you were right; I'm stealing your last name.

 He wasn't expecting me to hit him with snow, so when I did, this was his response as I was covered with snow :)
There isn't too much left to do. Plans are coming together. I am not looking forward to typing up all the addresses for announcements, but that is one of the big things left to do. Wedding planning isn't that bad. I think I kind of enjoy it actually. It's been awesome to see things come together for us to start our future together. When we were registering at Target it took awhile, but it was fun because these are things we liked to put in our apartment/home one day. And the countdown will continue for the next two months as we continue to learn to love each other more and try to be the best we can be for one another. Love you Logan!

All things {MERRY & BRIGHT}

Merry Christmas!
Sort of, it's a little late I suppose; better late than never I suppose.

This holiday season I have enjoyed working at American Eagle and helping others find Christmas gifts for people. I finished my Christmas shopping a few weeks ago and I was able to just enjoy these holidays with Logan and family.
The Peterson family had a Griswold Christmas party and yes I will admit I had no idea who the Griswolds were until this. We had dinner, went caroling, and had a white elephant gift exchange. Logan and I made it out good with a Jamba gift card and a Mt. Dew with a cute Christmas glass. Hope those cherry cordials were delicious Davis! :)

Christmas Eve we stayed up late watching the Nativity and then Elf. It was so fun to watch with the little girls as they laughed and laughed. After the movie ended, they set out cookies and milk for Santa hoping that in the morning the glass would be empty, the plate missing cookies, and presents out from Santa.
Christmas morning started early for us as Katelyn and Kylie were up and ready to go at 7:30 in the morning. As the girls went over to the tree, sure enough Santa had come during the night.
If you asked the girls what they wanted from Santa, they always said remote control spiders, and oh Santa is good :)
Christmas Eve
Tarantula- Kylie's spider
The other spider is a wall climbing spider. Gross, I know.
The rest of Christmas consisted of opening presents (I GOT A RED KITCHENAID!!!!!!!!!!!), Christmas breakfast, and having a nice big lunch with the family and Grandpa and Grandma Clark. After lunch, the kids went out to play in the snow and Logan came down. We switched presents and boy... I am one spoiled girl.
Logan is full of surprises and so when it comes to the honeymoon, he has been very secretive. Well, part of present was stuff for it so he told me where we are going. He blindfolded me and had me smell a candle. It was coconut. He asked me what that reminded me of and I said Pina Coladas. Then he had me open my eyes and he gave me chocolates that said...
We are cruising to Hawaii...
Yes, I had a slight freakout. And then he put a flower lei on me.
He still had to open his presents and then he told me he had one more surprise for me. I was told to put on shoes and a coat.
He covered my eyes with his hands and walked me outside.
A few months ago I had mentioned in passing how I really wanted a beach cruiser bike with gears, because they are cute and I don't have a bike.
Logan picks up on the smallest things and he acts on them. It all makes sense to me now why he kept taking me past the bikes every time we went to Walmart. Thank you Logan! :)

We finished the night by going to Le Mis with his family. It was good; I cried, a lot. The message of it is inspiring and it is a good one to see just take tissues!
I hope everyone's Christmas was merry and bright and spent with loved ones.
Keep the season alive all year long!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Right on "Target"

There's a lot of fun things that come with being engaged:
trying to find housing, engagement pictures, registering, and finding out/realizing/understanding how much you really love someone.

So far this week Logan and I have done a lot of housing stuff (it was a little frustrating with the managers being gone, etc). We were going to take pictures, but the weather was a little tough (cross your fingers I will have some to show you by the end of the week). 
But registering.. yes. That happened. And it was hilarious. It was really fun and exciting to look at things to help Logan and I start out together. I've looked at different things before, but to have Logan there holding my hand and letting me know what he likes and doesn't like. We still have to register at Wal-Mart, but I think it will be an adventure and a half for that one!

After taking the first serious one, we tried to take it again because Logan thought he blinked. We couldn't ever get another picture. I could not stop laughing and Logan couldn't stop laughing at me.
I'm excited to marry someone who will laugh at me and my absolute craziness.
Wedding planning is fun and crazy, but it's fantastic when Logan and I let who we are be a part of our wedding. This is one of my favorite things about Logan; he is himself and has been from day one with me. And I have never felt a need to be anything but completely myself. This is why we are wearing tennis shoes for our wedding...
We customized Nike Frees with our colors and topped it off with Mr. Petey and Mrs. Petey on the tongues.

Ok.. One more little sappy moment about Logan. Over the past few weeks I have been reminded over and over again as to why I love him and why he is right on "target" for being the man of my dreams. He notices every little thing I say or mention. One day I let him know I was really craving pancakes. We then went and ate some breakfast for lunch at Me N Stan's in Rigby. It was really good! I ordered pancakes to find out that they were the size of my head or bigger. And because I have a slight obsession and love for anything raspberry he ordered a raspberry milk shake for me :)
Logan makes me laugh more than I ever have. After we registered, we headed over to Chick-fil-A for dinner and we laughed and laughed. He continually puts a smile on my face from his little text messages to his sweet smile and wink that is just for me;
He doesn't get frustrated at me when I sleep through the first 30 minutes of the Hobbit.
And he even let me pull a hair out of his face that was bugging me, that is true love!! 

Enjoy these Christmas days!

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Few Fun Things

The past couple weeks have been filled with some fun times with my nieces and nephews, crafty time, Christmas shopping (I'm all done!!), the business side of photography, and the always wonderful Logan and Michelle time.
Babysitting the boys- playing in the bounce house
Ice cream with the kiddos
I made some rice bags with Carrie thanks to Pinterest. You stick your feet in and it makes them stay even warmer than normal ones. Logan likes his feet to be warm- so do I, especially with future events coming up ;) - so I made one for him out of some awesome blue plaid flannel and baby blue minky. He told me he has already heated up around 20 times and I gave it to him on Wednesday. Here's a link to directions for you to make your own! Super easy and cheap :) You can make 3 when you buy half a yard of each fabric. And PS, we used 4 bags of rice. We left a little slit in the top part and added rice to that one too! 3 bags in the bottom part and 1 in the top part!

One of my favorite things about Christmas is our stockings. My mom made ours and they are HUGE!! Every Christmas Eve we would take them off the banister and put them out in the room where we would want to have them in the morning. For some reason that is one of my favorite memories. I have always wanted to make my own stockings for my own little family. So next year Logan and I will have our very own HUGE stockings to hang up. I'm still working on mine, but I'm using his this year too. It was really fun and I'm excited with how it turned out!

I love photography.
I have been doing it as a "business" for a few years now, but I never knew what I really wanted to name it until recently. Michelle Fowler Photography is now....
I have been working with a graphic designer- Traci Huntsman Design- to get the look I wanted and to make it all professional and things like that. I'm SO pumped about this upcoming year. It's going to be busy and a real good one! And the best part about all of this is that I have a fiance (I love saying that) who is so supportive and excited for me. He loves that I get so excited about it and he is learning the ropes and photography terms too; as we looked through some pictures the other day, he pointed out that a picture had bokeh and I wanted to burst with happiness. Logan really does put me and the things I love in high priority in his life.

BYU-I Fall 2012 semester is over and I couldn't be happier. Logan will now be 15 minutes closer and no homework until April! For those who don't know, I am deferring Winter semester. This will give Logan and I time to finish up all the wedding planning, get married, honeymoon, and start our little married life together before we go back in April. 
Logan helped me practice writing Peterson so I will be prepared to sign that instead of Fowler in a couple months. A few people have asked me how being engaged is; it is wonderful. Being engaged to the right person, knowing you are getting married in the temple, and get to spend the rest of eternity with them is such a good feeling. Every day I do fall more in love with him. I love all the little moments and silly things we do together. I'm just excited to share my life with him :)
Hobbit midnight premiere
Next week we are going to try to conquer all this housing madness, registering, and engagement pictures. It will be quite the week!

Enjoy this holiday season and remember it only is around once a year. Put down the credit cards, shopping bags, and hustle and bustle; simply enjoy the true reason for the season and the loved ones you get to spend it with!!