Friday, August 31, 2012

F is for friends who do stuff together...

Or F is for families forever.
Either way Spongebob nailed that song! ;)

It's been awesome to have all of my family together for this past week. My brother Troy has been out in Minnesota doing his first rotation while his wife and kids have been here in Shelley. I'm so glad that he had a week break to be able to spend time with us, but especially with Carrie. He came in last Thursday and surprised her at 2:30 in the morning. It was so stinking cute. Her face lit up after she got over being scared that someone was at her door at that time of night. It was lovely :)

Anyways, back to business...
I love my family. I feel like these are my best buddies. I've been blessed with four big brothers to watch over me and be protective. As much as it sometimes drives me nuts, I'm extremely grateful for it. It has made me very aware of the guys I date and how I'm treated by them. And yes, I'm dating one stud of a guy. Who else would be willing to play the spoon game with my brothers?! ;)

We all get along so well. We were blessed with such a close bond and awesome in-laws. And if I do say so myself, we're an attractive family :)

These are the people who stand by me in my decisions.
These are the people who love me knowing my weaknesses and flaws.
These are the people that I call family.

Love you guys! 

Much love-

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