I've been meaning to post this for a while now, but for some reason I didn't feel like I had all the words I wanted to say. If you haven't noticed yet, family is HUGE to me. It may be because of things that have happened in my life that gave me a need to be close to my family, but I'm very close to all of my family. I love my family and I am truly blessed to have been able to come into the family that I did. My parents are one of the biggest blessings in my life. I need to take a minute and blog about my mom.
If you didn't know... She's amazing.
I have been through quite a roller-coaster ride of life and she has always been there every step of the way. Recently we were coming home from Idaho Falls and we made a stop at Walmart. Earlier that night she had shown me the Red Solo Cup song by Toby Keith, and for the life of me, I couldn't stop singing it. As we stroll along through Walmart I keep singing it and she keeps laughing at me- 30 minutes later, I'm still singing it and she's still laughing. As we get into the car to drive home, we turn on the radio to get the song out of our heads and we start singing our hearts out, singing in our hick voice, and cracking jokes at one another. And that's how life is with her and I. We're weird- end of story.
And then there's nights like tonight- which quite frankly have been happening often in the past couple weeks. I can't get an understanding on life and she's there to listen every time. Most of my frustrations, confusion, and tears are usually from the exact same things too, but without fail she listens, laughs, and gives hugs when necessary. And by the end of the night we end up in relentless laughter that seems to continue on because we laugh alike and to hear how ridiculous the other is laughing brings another fit of laughter.
I guess I just need to tell my mom thanks. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for marrying such a wonderful man so I could have him as my father.
Thank you for laughing at my stupid mistakes. Thank you for believing in my dreams.
Thank you for all the hugs. Thank you mom.
I love you
And yes mom, I'm gonna miss this.
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