A couple weeks ago I was raking the leaves in our front yard and I had some impressions and thoughts come into my mind. I didn't want to blog that day about it because I felt like I had become a blogging fool.. Well today I will probably have 4 different posts by the end of the day so there goes not being a blogging fool. I'm writing this experience down for my own benefit so I won't forget what raking leaves taught me about life.
For a couple weeks, I had noticed how many leaves were all over the front yard and it was driving me crazy. But I thought I have so much to do and plus mom or someone else will take of it or it will snow and cover it all up. No one ever did and I continued to think I should just do it, but I just had too many other things to do.
Finally the day came that I couldn't handle the leaves anymore. I dropped what I was doing (which wasn't very important anyways) and went out to rake. As I was raking I grouped the leaves into piles all over the yard. One by one I took those piles back into the back and threw them over the fence. It wasn't something I could do really fast and it wasn't something that in the blink of an eye was over, but when it was all done, it felt good. I could look at the yard and think of all the leaves that had been there and feel accomplished to get all of that taken care of.
Then I compared life to the yard (ya, I'm weird I know- that's just how my brain thinks). Our lives get cluttered with trials, frustrations, etc. We can see and feel it every day, but we just have too many things going on to clear it all up or it's going to "snow" soon and that will cover it up for awhile. But then there comes a day that we are tired of seeing all those "leaves" and we choose to get to work. It takes time and we sometimes we have to take it one pile at a time, but when our raking is done, we can feel that peace of mind and heart knowing that our lives have been raked up.
This may not be something you need right now, but I know when I was raking leaves, I needed that message to hit me and hit me it did.
I'm grateful for the lesson I learned and I'm grateful for the leaves I have raked up in my own life. Those leaves have made me the person who I am today and I'm grateful for that.
Now get out there and rake those leaves :)
Now get out there and rake those leaves :)
AMEN sista!