Thursday, November 17, 2011

Truth is...

I know, I know- you're probably thinking "Here she goes again, blogging about some random weird things" and you're right! :) 
There has been this big thing on facebook about "like my status and I'll tell you a truth is." Well, this amazing friend of mine, I won't mention names (cough, cough Sarah Roy) challenged everyone to write a truth is about themselves so here we go.

Truth is...
I am NOT perfect
I AM a perfectionist
I worry and stress about little things
I live to be busy- sometimes though, I get myself too busy and then comes the stress
I love school

Truth is...
I love photography-Its my passion. It's the one thing that I feel like I live, breathe and sleep
I love music
I am weird- aren't we all?!
I love people- Story time: Yesterday while I was working at Downeast I met all these ladies who were so awesome to talk to, one of them even hugged me (ya, kinda weird). But I have learned so much about others through meeting and talking with new people every day. I have realized how much of a difference I (an insignificant sales associate) can make by being happy and kind. I've also seen the difference that it has made in my own life to have met these people and how their attitudes have affected my own. 

Truth is...
I love to be in sweats and no makeup
I love to be all dolled up and ready for the day
I'm a VERY picky eater- it's kinda ridiculous sometimes
I love to pop my back- gross I know
I love being with my family
I love to talk
I like my short hair and I like my long hair- I am missing my long hair right now though
I LOVE skinny jeans

Truth is...
I have been through a lot of tough times, but those times have made me who I am today. And I wouldn't trade where I am today for anywhere else
I can't wear the same pair of socks for too long- it grosses me out
I love to cook 
I love to play games and watch movies
I like quotes
I love to pretend to be crafty and look at Pinterest
I love getting flowers

Truth is...
I admire and look up to my brothers- Story time: I look up to all my brothers and I am so grateful for their examples, but I have always wanted Jared's "approval or praise." Tonight as I drove home from work, he called and we talked. And tonight he told me he thinks I'm pretty smart. Ya, I was practically beaming. Good thing he couldn't see my face or he would have taken back that comment, just kidding! Jared is awesome to sum it all up and that made my whole night to hear him say that about me.
I love to dance
I play the piano- not well and not in front of anyone. But I do like to play
I love sports but I'm definitely not amazing at them
I don't like my handwriting

Truth is...
I have a very tender heart- it's one of my favorite things about myself.
I hate contention
I love the color purple
I'm a hopeless romantic- I rewind the lantern part of Tangled every time I watch it :)
I love fuzzy socks
I love Christmas
I love to blog :)

Truth is...
I am a daughter of God
I love Him and He loves me
I am not perfect, but I know He loves me regardless
I have weaknesses to make me strong
I have trials to make me better
I have a Savior and His atonement to help me with the rest
I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true

Truth is...
This is me and I am happy being me :)

Sorry.. I probably just bored you to tears with a post all about myself, but truth is..It feels good to write all of that down. I challenge you to take a moment and think of who you really are and your own truth is..


  1. Michelle.. You really are awesome:) I know I'm probably a creeper, but sometimes I read your blog and you're just so awesome haha.

  2. Michelle, you are so unique and so amazing. Thanks for sharing. Also, I am glad someone will watch the lantern part over and over with me! Love ya!
